Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Day 2 of Horticulture:

In today's lesson, we began sketching the school courtyard. Using a ruler, pencil and colours I drew a birds-eye view sketch of the school courtyard, outlining the shape of the paths, the entrances and the doorways into the courtyard. I also sketched the flowerbeds surrounding the courtyard and the picnic table in the centre. After completing my sketch, I was told to come up with three new features I would use if I were to re-design the courtyard. My three ideas were; to add a water fountain, a Home-Economics herb garden and more flowers to add extra colour and character to the courtyard. I then printed out pictures as examples of my three features and lay them around my sketch, an explanation of why I chose each particular feature under the pictures.

My Courtyard Sketch:

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